APYSwap joins the cheerful May spirit by hosting a large meme competition with the prize pool comprising of $10,000 worth of $APYS.
The contest begins now and will last until May 31, 12 UTC, so there is plenty of time for you to come up with original and witty jokes. We would like to see how many interesting and exciting memes our community would create.
Let’s explain the general procedure first:
- any meme you make must feature APYSwap in some sort of way (i.e. our logo, name, etc.)
- contest is Twitter-based but you are also required to post a link to it in our official Telegram group to qualify as winner
- subscribe to our Twitter channel: https://twitter.com/apyswap
- subscribe to our Telegram channel: https://t.me/apyswapcom
- use the following tags in your Twitter post: $APYS, #BSC, #MEMEpetition, #APYS4BSC
- when linking your post to our Telegram group, be sure to include those tags as well
Winners will be determined by their post’s total engagement points, with every like and tweet counting as 1 point each.
Now that we talked about the competition guidelines, let’s turn our attention to rewards.
First three contestants will be rewarded with $1000, $750, and $500 worth of APYS (the amount will be fixed to the exchange rate of $APYS on the day of issuing reward) on BSC network. Places 4 through 30 will get the equivalent of $100 in $APYS. Lastly, places 31 through 100 will get $40 in $APYS.
Furthermore, we are lucky to have a seasoned memelier as an independent judge of this competition. Andriy Velykyi, our CEO, is also a connoisseur of the fine memes. His entirely meme-dedicated (Russian-speaking)Telegram channel has over 2600 subscribers: https://t.me/cryptohomyaki. He is going to select 3 additional contestants with the memes he enjoyed the most and reward them with additional $1000, $750 and $500 worth of $APYS, independent of the competition rewards.
Time to get creative!